企画展示「図書館サポーター推薦:2017春 新入生にすすめる本」
Books Display: "Books for New Students Spring 2017" recommended by Library Supporters


4月に入学された方々に向けて、図書館サポーター*が選んだ本を展示しました。 サポーターが作成したポップは本に添え、推薦文は配布用の図書リストに載せました。
大学での学修だけではなく日々の暮らしの中で役立ちそうな本や、新入生だけでなく在学生や教職員にとっても気になる本がたくさん展示されました。 そのためか、展示本だけでなくポップに書かれたコメントにも目を通したり、図書リストを持ち帰られる人の姿が多く見られ、大変好評でした。

(ポスター / Poster)

Library supporters*' chosen books were showcased in "Books for New Students Spring 2017" on the first basement floor of Ookayama Library and the first floor of Suzukakedai Library from April 3 to May 31, 2017.

The library has held an exhibition organized around the same theme every spring since 2011 and it turned the seventh this year. The supporters made an ad card for each book they recommended and wrote comments on each of them. All ad cards were arranged with the books on a display table and the comments were formatted in distribution brochure.
The display included many books that various visitors’ attention could be seized. They were in wide areas from practical books which new students are likely to use during the academic year to the ones which would attract faculty and staff’s attention. We were pleased to see that the display had a wide appeal for many visitors.

  カウンター対応、書架の整理、資料の整備、広報活動、展示等の企画 など

 *Library Supporters are Tokyo Tech students who work in the library.

【推薦本リスト / Book List】
 Click here to see the list of all books and
 comments introduced in this display.
【展示風景/ Photograph】
 大岡山 / Ookayama
 すずかけ台 / Suzukakedai

2017年8月 / August, 2017
利用支援グループ / Library Services Group
すずかけ台図書館グループ / Suzukakedai Library Group