1570-9337G - Vakblad over Gezondheid en Maatschappij
1436-1728G und G - Gesundheit und Gesellschaft
0966-6362Gait & posture
0195-962XGallup Poll - Public Opinion
1930-224XGallup Poll Briefing
0302-6477Galvano-organo-traitements de surface
0016-4232Galvanotechnik : Leiterplatten-Technik. Älteste Fachzeitschrift für die Praxis der Oberflächenbehandlung von Metallen
1555-4120Games and Culture
0899-8256Games and economic behavior
1092-1885Gaming Law Review
0733-4923Garden Design - Miami
0016-4720Garten und Landschaft : deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftspfleg
0964-8496Gas Matters
0747-7988Gas Turbine World Magazine
0016-4909Gas- und Wasserfach. [Ausgabe] Gas, Erdgas
1097-8496Gas Utility Manager
0020-9384Gas Wärme international
1018-760XGas Wasser Abwasser
1436-3291Gastric Cancer
1232-9886Gastroenterologia Polska
0399-8320Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique
1616-9670Gastroenterologie Up2date
0016-5085Gastroenterology - Orlando
0889-8553Gastroenterology Clinics of North America
1042-895XGastroenterology Nursing
1687-6121Gastroenterology Research and Practice
0016-5107Gastrointestinal endoscopy
1052-5157Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America
1479-5248Gastrointestinal Nursing
1529-3262Gastronomica - the Journal of Food and Culture
1385-3112GAWALO - Vakblad voor de W-Installateur
0016-5530Gazette des Beaux Arts
0753-5015Gazette du Livre Medieval
 Gb - das Magazin fur Zierpflanzenbau
0743-6858Gear technology
0927-0140GebouwBeheer - Vakblad voor Technisch Beheer en Onderhoud
0016-5751Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde
0921-5077Gedrag en Organisatie - Tijdschrift Sociale Economische Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie
0173-0037Gefahrgut fur die Praxis
0941-6080Gefahrgut Profi
0016-5808Gefahrliche Ladung
0949-8036Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft
1869-2672GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics
0939-4729Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt - Ausgabe A
0016-626XGems and Gemology
0953-5233Gender & history
0891-2432Gender & society
1355-2074Gender and development
0954-0253Gender and education
1747-6321Gender and Language
1754-2413Gender in management
1098-092XGender issues
1550-8579Gender Medicine
0966-369XGender Place and Culture - Journal of Feminist Geography
0971-8524Gender Technology and Development
0968-6673Gender, work and organization
0378-1119Gene : an international journal focusing on gene cloning and gene structure and function
1052-2166Gene Expression - Elmsford
1567-133XGene expression patterns
 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
0969-7128Gene therapy
1388-9532Gene therapy and regulation
0016-6448Geneeskunde en Sport
0016-6480General and comparative endocrinology
1537-1727General anthropology
0363-6771General Dentistry - Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry
0163-8343General hospital psychiatry
0016-6553General Linguistics
1346-0072General Medicine
0231-5882General Physiology and Biophysics
0001-7701General relativity and gravitation
0890-9369Genes & development
1341-7568Genes & genetic systems
1555-8932Genes & Nutrition
1947-6019Genes and Cancer
1880-7046Genes and Environment
1976-9571Genes and Genomics
1466-4879Genes and Immunity
1045-2257Genes chromosomes & cancer
1356-9597Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
1601-1848Genes, brain and behavior
1015-8146Genetic Counseling
0270-6377Genetic engineering news : GEN
0741-0395Genetic epidemiology
1389-2576Genetic programming and evolvable machines
0925-9864Genetic resources and crop evolution
1090-6576Genetic Testing
1383-5718Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis : a section of mutation research
8756-7547Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs
0016-6707Genetica : nederlands Tijdschrift voor Erfelijkheids -en Afstammingsleer
0016-6723Genetical Research
0016-6731Genetics : a periodical record of investigations bearing on heredity and variation
1415-4757Genetics and Molecular Biology
1098-3600Genetics in Medicine
0999-193XGenetics Selection Evolution
0016-6758Genetika - Moskva
1018-5895Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
1554-964XGeneva Risk and Insurance Review
0295-6322Genie Logiciel
1911-0359Genocide Studies and Prevention
0831-2796Genome = Génome
1088-9051Genome research
1871-7934Genomic medicine
2211-4254Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences
0016-6987Genus - Roma
0342-8311GEO : das neue Bild der Erde
1476-8941GEO Connexion - Main Edition
1572-5464Geo Info
1529-7403Geo Info Systems
0723-5194Geo Spezial
1627-4873Geocarrefour - Revue de Geographie de Lyon.
1010-6049Geocarto international
0016-7002Geochemical journal : journal of the Geochemical Society of Japan
1467-7873Geochemistry - Exploration Environment Analysis
0016-7029Geochemistry international
0016-7037Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
0016-7061Geoderma : an international journal of soil science
 Geodesia - Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift
0351-0271Geodetski Vestnik
1392-1541Geodezija ir kartografija
0985-3111Geodinamica Acta - European Journal of Geodynamics
0016-7223Geografisk Tidsskrift
0435-3676Geografiska annaler. Series A. Physical geography
0435-3684Geografiska annaler. Series B, Human geography
0016-7312Geographica Helvetica
0016-7363Geographical analysis : an international journal of the theoretical geography
0016-7398Geographical Journal
1745-5863Geographical research
0016-7428Geographical review
1295-926XGeographie Economie et Societe
0705-7199Geographie Physique et Quaternaire
0016-7460Geographische Rundschau
0016-7479Geographische Zeitschrift
0016-7487Geography - Journal of the Geographical Association - including Membership
1875-3728Geography and Natural Resources
1933-8341Geography Teacher
1335-0552Geologica Carpathica
0072-1050Geological journal
0016-7606Geological Society of America bulletin
0305-8719Geological Society of London - Special Publications
1075-7015Geology of ore deposits : official English translation of Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdenii
0266-6979Geology today
0016-7932Geomagnetism and aeronomy
0276-0460Geo-marine letters
1947-5705Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk
1748-6025Geomechanics and Geoengineering
1865-7362Geomechanik und Tunnelbau
0046-5755Geometriae dedicata
1016-443XGeometric and functional analysis : GAFA
1465-3060Geometry & topology
0149-0451Geomicrobiology journal
0309-1929Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics
0956-540XGeophysical journal international
0016-8025Geophysical prospecting : official journal of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists
0094-8276Geophysical research letters
0273-1371Geopolitics of Energy
0161-7435George Herbert Journal
1534-9977George Washington International Law Review
0016-8076George Washington Law Review
0023-9208Georgetown Journal of International Law
0016-8092Georgetown Law Journal
0046-578XGeorgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
0016-8300Georgia Law Review
0016-8386Georgia Review
1072-947XGeorgian Mathematical Journal
1072-947XGeorgian Mathematical Journal
0315-0941Geoscience Canada
1226-4806Geoscience journal
1009-5020Geo-spatial Information Science
1639-4488Geostandards and geoanalytical research
0960-3182Geotechnical and geological engineering
0046-5828Geotechnical engineering
0823-650XGeotechnical News
0149-6115Geotechnical testing journal
0016-8505Géotechnique : the international journal of soil mechanics
 Geotechnique Letters
0266-1144Geotextiles and geomembranes : an international journal
0375-6505Geothermics : an international journal of geothermal research and its application
0268-201XGeriatric Medicine - Coventry
0197-4572Geriatric nursing
2151-4585Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
0016-867XGeriatrics - Duluth
1444-1586Geriatrics and gerontology international
1465-6485German economic review
0266-3554German history
0016-8777German life and letters
 German Medical Science
0927-1910German Monitor
0964-4008German politics
0016-8831German Quarterly
0172-1526German research
0172-1518German research : reports of the DFG
0149-7952German studies review
0016-8904Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift
0151-0193Gerontologie et Societe
0270-1960Gerontology and Geriatrics Education
0016-9056Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
0933-3096Geschichte Lernen
0340-613XGeschichte und Gesellschaft
1872-0625Geschiedenis Magazine
 Geschriften van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijking
1084-8657Gestalt Review
0170-057XGestalt Theory
0773-0543Gestion 2000
0016-9218Gestions Hospitalieres
1040-483XGestos - Revista de Teoria y Practica del Teatro Hispanico
0367-4223Gesunde Pflanzen
1611-5821Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik
1432-2625Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement
1389-0050Gevaarlijke Lading
0016-9447Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte
0928-303XGEWINA - Tijdschr Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde Natuurwetenschappen Wiskunde en Techniek
0921-4550Gezond Bouwen en Wonen
0921-8343GGD Nieuws - Gemeentelijke Geneeskundige Dienst
0932-6200GI - Gesundheits Ingenieur
0378-4657Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied
0378-4657Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied
0921-1896Gids voor Personeelsmanagement
0016-9765Giesserei : Zeitschrift für das gesamte Giessereiwesen
0167-9066Gietwerk Perspektief
0016-9862Gifted Child Quarterly
0261-4294Gifted Education International
1566-9076GIM International - Global Magazine for Geomatics
0017-0089Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana
0017-0097Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia
1827-6806Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia - Roma
0026-4741Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia
2035-3510Giornale Italiano di Health Technology Assessment
0017-0496Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana
1938-8209Girlhood Studies - An Interdisciplinary Journal
1548-1603GIScience and Remote Sensing
0390-2269Giurisprudenza Commerciale
0436-0222Giurisprudenza Costituzionale
0017-0895Glasgow mathematical journal
0361-7610Glass and ceramics
0143-7836Glass International
0017-0984Glass Journal
1087-6596Glass physics and chemistry
0946-7475Glass science and technology : Glastechnische Berichte
1750-6697Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology - Part A
0921-8181Global and planetary change
0886-6236Global biogeochemical cycles
1097-4954Global Business and Economics Review
1932-2054Global Business and Organizational Excellence
0972-1509Global Business Review
1354-1013Global change biology
1757-1693Global change biology bioenergy
1478-1158Global Change Peace and Security
1523-9470Global Cosmetic Industry
1744-0572Global Crime
1047-8736Global Custodian
1466-822XGlobal ecology and biogeography
1226-508XGlobal Economic Review
0959-3780Global Environmental Change
1049-9083Global Environmental Change Report
1526-3800Global environmental politics
0896-4181Global Finance
1044-0283Global finance journal
0258-7440Global Financial Stability Report
1075-2846Global governance : a review of multilateralism and international organizations
1742-7665Global Media and Communication
1470-2266Global networks
1744-1692Global Public Health
1468-0181Global Social Policy
1360-0826Global Society - Journal of Interdisciplinary Internat Relations
 Global Sources Electronic Components
1932-8648Global South
1932-8648Global South
2192-5682Global Spine Journal
0969-7500Global Telecoms Business
1569-755XGlobal Trade and Customs Journal
1992-6197Global Veterinaria
1471-3322Global Water Intelligence
1476-7724Globalisation Societies and Education
 Globalization and Health
1064-2684GLQ - a Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
0340-7896Glückauf : berg- und hüttenmännische Zeitschrift
0017-1387Gluckauf Forschungshefte
0282-0080Glycoconjugate journal
0016-3570GMBH Rundschau - Rechtsspiegel der Wirtschaft
0196-626XGMP Letter
0017-1417Gnomon - Munchen
0323-4207Goethe Jahrbuch - Weimar
0734-3329Goethe Yearbook
0017-1956Goltdammers Archiv fur Strafrecht
1342-937XGondwana research
1350-0961Good Clinical Practice Journal
0017-2081Good Housekeeping - Market Harborough
1089-0017Good society
1362-7937Gothic studies
0344-385XGottinger Miszellen - Beitrage zur Agyptologischen Diskussion
0017-257XGovernment and opposition
0017-2626Government Executive
0883-7856Government Finance Review
0740-624XGovernment information quarterly
0017-2715Goya - Revista de Arte
1080-5370GPS solutions
1048-5104GPS world
0721-832XGraefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology
1382-9068Graficus Magazine
1569-0458GRAM - Gemeentereiniging en Afvalmanagement
0927-3255Gramma TTT
1386-7393Grammars : a journal of mathematical research on formal and natural languages
1434-5021Granular matter
1047-9325Graphic arts monthly : the magazine of the printing industry
1524-0703Graphical models
0342-3158Graphische Kunst - Ausgabe D
0911-0119Graphs and combinatorics : an Asian journal
0017-3495Grasas y Aceites
0142-5242Grass and forage science
1744-6961Grassland science
0202-2893Gravitation & cosmology
0165-9227Grazer Philosophische Studien
0017-3835Greece and Rome
0017-3916Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies
1463-9262Green chemistry
1751-8253Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
1468-8417Green Letters
1742-3716Green Places
1476-3842Green Sheet - Burbage
0966-9671Greener management international
2043-0779Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management
0962-9467Greenpeace Business
1526-3819Grey room : architecture, art, media, politics
0166-3534Groen - Vakblad voor Ruimte in Stad en Landschap
1380-3700GroenLinks Magazine
0925-9694Groenten en Fruit - Nederland
0167-9112Grootkeuken - Voedingsblad voor Instellingen en Bedrijven
0017-4653Ground engineering
1365-781XGround improvement
0017-467XGround water : journal of the Technical Division National Water Well Association
1069-3629Ground water monitoring & remediation
0362-4021Group : the journal of Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society
0533-3164Group Analysis
1059-6011Group and Organization Management
0926-2644Group decision and negotiation
1368-4302Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
0017-4785Grower - London
0017-4785Grower - Special Supplement Editions
0017-4815Growth and change
0017-4793Growth Development and Aging
0897-7194Growth factors
1096-6374Growth hormone & IGF research
1430-483XGrundwasser : Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (FH-DGG)
1618-7849Gruppendynamik & Organisationsberatung
0017-4947Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik
0016-9420GRUR - Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
0435-8600GRUR International - Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Internationaler Teil
1475-9330GSR - Global Security Review
0959-3608Guardian Weekly
0984-2292Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains - Revue Trimestrielle d'Histoire
0176-1625Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe
0017-5684Guns and Ammo
 Gut Pathogens
0016-3651GWF Wasser Abwasser
0962-1091Gynaecological endoscopy
1610-2894Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
0341-8677Gynakologische Praxis
1018-8843Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau
0378-7346Gynecologic and obstetric investigation
0090-8258Gynecologic oncology
0951-3590Gynecological endocrinology
1613-2076Gynecological surgery
1297-9589Gynécologie, obstétrique & fertilité
2075-1087Gyroscopy and Navigation
1437-2479GZ Goldschmiede Zeitung - European Jeweler