1080-1219Nabokov Studies
1439-9598Nachrichten aus der Chemie
0027-7479Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes
0012-1185Nachrichtendienst des Deutschen Vereins fur Offentliche und Private Fursorge
1071-4839NACLA Report on the Americas
0027-755XNafta - Zagreb
0027-7630Nagoya mathematical journal
1862-9148Naharaim - Journal of German Jewish Literature and Culture History
1387-6805Nan nü
1793-2920Nano : brief reports and reviews
1878-7789Nano communication networks
1530-6984Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology
1998-0124Nano research
1748-0132Nano today
2045-9831Nanomaterials and Energy
1787-4033Nanopages : interdisciplinary journal of nano science and technology
1556-7265Nanoscale and microscale thermophysical engineering
1931-7573Nanoscale Research Letters
1995-0780Nanotechnologies in Russia
1556-4789NAPA bulletin
1387-6740Narrative Inquiry
0145-319XNASA Tech Briefs
0793-8934Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues
1942-602XNASN School Nurse - National Association of School Nurses
0192-6365NASSP Bulletin - National Association of Secondary School Principals
0027-9013National civic review
0092-1491National Defense - Journal of the American Defense Preparedness Association
0027-9250National Fisherman
0027-9358National Geographic
1542-3042National Geographic Kids
0747-0932National Geographic Traveler
1460-8944National identities
0027-9501National Institute Economic Review
0360-4217National journal
0376-2491National Medical Journal of China
0276-8186National parks
0028-0038National Review
0028-0283National Tax Journal
0893-8202National Underwriter - Life and Health - Financial Services Edition
0028-0402National wildlife
1353-7113Nationalism and Ethnic Politics
0090-5992Nationalities papers
1354-5078Nations and nationalism
1522-8339Native Plants Journal
1566-9009NATO's Nations and Partners for Peace
0028-0615Natur und Landschaft
0172-1631Natur und Recht
0028-0631Natura - Eindhoven
1567-7818Natural computing
1545-7893Natural Gas and Electricity
0921-030XNatural hazards
1561-8633Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
1527-6988Natural hazards review
1067-9588Natural Health - New York
0028-0712Natural history : incorporating Nature magazine
0167-806XNatural language & linguistic theory
1351-3249Natural language engineering
0925-854XNatural language semantics
1340-3443Natural Medicines
0265-0568Natural product reports : a journal of current developments in bio-organic chemistry
1478-6419Natural product research
 Natural Products and Bioprospecting
0890-8575Natural resource modeling
0882-3812Natural Resources and Environment
0165-0203Natural resources forum
0028-0739Natural Resources Journal
1520-7439Natural resources research
1558-6073Nature and Culture
1087-0156Nature biotechnology
1465-7392Nature cell biology
1552-4450Nature chemical biology
1755-4330Nature chemistry
1758-678XNature Climate Change
1743-4297Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine
1745-8366Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism
1743-4378Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1745-8323Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
1745-834XNature Clinical Practice Neurology
1743-4254Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
1743-4270Nature Clinical Practice Urology
1061-4036Nature genetics
1752-0894Nature Geoscience
1529-2908Nature immunology
1476-1122Nature materials
1078-8956Nature medicine
1548-7091Nature Methods
1748-3387Nature nanotechnology
1097-6256Nature neuroscience
1749-4885Nature photonics
1745-2473Nature physics
1754-2189Nature Protocols
1474-175XNature reviews cancer
1471-0056Nature reviews genetics
1474-1733Nature reviews immunology
1740-1526Nature reviews microbiology
1471-0072Nature reviews molecular cell biology
1759-4790Nature Reviews Rheumatology
1474-1776Nature reviews. Drug discovery
1471-003XNature reviews. Neuroscience
1545-9993Nature structural & molecular biology
1240-1307Natures Sciences Societes
0028-1050Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
0028-1093Natuur en techniek
0028-1298Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology
0028-1344Nautilus - Sanibel
0306-0209Naval Architect
0028-1425Naval engineers journal
0722-8880Naval forces
0894-069XNaval research logistics
0028-1522Navigation - Alexandria
0028-1530Navigation - Paris
1872-4426NBD Magazine
0889-3365NBER macroeconomics annual
 NBER Technical Working Papers - National Bureau of Economic Research
0898-2937NBER Working Paper Series - National Bureau of Economic Research
0920-1319NBI - Nieuws Berichten Informatie
0393-3733NCF - Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico
0963-8695NDT & E international
0954-0555NDT news : the branch bulletin of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
1753-0784NDT Plus
1605-9581NEA News - Nuclear Energy Agency
1094-2076Near Eastern Archaeology
1569-4445Near Surface Geophysics
0047-9209Nebraska Law Review
 NEC Technical Journal
0028-2057Nederlands Bosbouw Tijdschrift
0167-7594Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht - NIPR
0165-0483Nederlands Juristenblad
0169-6726Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek
0369-4844Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift
0928-0979Nederlands Patriciaat - Genealogieen van Bekende Geslachten
0028-2111Nederlands Tandartsenblad
0028-212XNederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift
0921-3554Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht
0927-2747Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht
0166-7203Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dietisten
0925-6040Nederlands Tijdschrift voor EHBO en Reddingwezen
0166-4751Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Ergotherapie
1382-4120Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht
1572-2082Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Evidence Based Practice
0925-5338Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fotonica
0377-208XNederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie
0028-2162Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
1380-3689Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie
0926-4264Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde
0168-9088Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie
0028-2200Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde
0929-8622Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Traumatologie
0771-5080Nederlands van Nu
0924-6584Nederlands Vervoer
0028-226XNederlandsche Leeuw
0165-0637Nederlandse Jurisprudentie - Uitspraken in Burgerlijke en Strafzaken - Incl Band
1384-5829Nederlandse Letterkunde
1384-5845Nederlandse Taalkunde
0211-6995Nefrologia - SANTANDER
1381-8546Negentiende Eeuw - Documentatieblad Werkgroep 19e Eeuw
1750-4708Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
0748-4526Negotiation journal
0922-0801Nemesis - Tijdschrift voor Vrouwen en Recht
0324-4652Neohelicon : acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum
1062-2454Neonatal Intensive Care - Journal of Perinatology Neonatology
0730-0832Neonatal Network - Journal of Neonatal Nursing
0730-0832Neonatal Network - Journal of Neonatal Nursing
1661-7800Neonatology - Fetal and Neonatal Research
0028-2677Neophilologus : driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de wetenschappelijke beoefening van levende vreemde talen en van hun letterkunde en voor de studie van de klassieke talen in hun verband met de moderne
1519-566XNeotropical Entomology
1769-7255Néphrologie & thérapeutique
1526-744XNephrology Nursing Journal
0931-0509Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
0028-2766Nephron : journal of the International Society of Nephrology
1567-892XNERG - Nederlands Elektronica en Radiogenootschap
0947-4765NET - Erfolgreiches Kommunikationsmanagement
1381-5857Net Professional
1568-5888Netherlands Heart Journal
0165-070XNetherlands international law review
0016-7746Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie en Mijnbouw
0300-2977Netherlands Journal of Medicine
0028-2235Netherlands Journal of Psychology
0924-1477Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences
0169-3441Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
0167-6768Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
0954-898XNetwork : computation in neural systems
0966-7873Network Computing - Beckenham
1435-2524Network Computing - Munchen
1046-4468Network Computing - Niles
2192-6662Network Modelling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
1353-4858Network security
1091-3556NetWorker : the craft of network computing
0028-3045Networks : an international journal
1566-113XNetworks and spatial economics
0028-3150Neue deutsche Literatur
0177-6738Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte
0341-1915Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
0028-3231Neue Justiz
0028-3320Neue Politische Literatur
0028-3347Neue Rundschau
0028-3355Neue Sammlung
0341-0390Neue Verpackung
0943-7525Neue Zeitschrift fur Arbeitsrecht
0945-6945Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik
0720-1753Neue Zeitschrift fur Strafrecht
0028-3517Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
0721-880XNeue Zeitschrift fur Verwaltungsrecht
0934-8603Neue Zeitschrift fur Verwaltungsrecht - Rechtsprechungs Report
0028-3525Neue Zeitschrift fur Wehrrecht
0077-7749Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
0028-3630Neues jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte
0077-7757Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen
0028-3649Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Monatshefte
0028-3754Neuphilologische Mitteilungen - Bulletin of the Modern Language Society
0899-7667Neural computation
0941-0643Neural computing & applications
0893-6080Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society
0792-8483Neural Plasticity
1370-4621Neural processing letters
1061-5369Neural, parallel & scientific computations
0028-3770Neuro Chirurgie
1522-8517Neuro Oncology - Durham
0197-4580Neurobiology of Aging
0969-9961Neurobiology of disease
1074-7427Neurobiology of learning and memory
1819-7124Neurochemical journal
0364-3190Neurochemical research
0197-0186Neurochemistry international
0925-2312Neurocomputing : an international journal
1541-6933Neurocritical care
1758-2024Neurodegenerative Disease Management
1660-2854Neurodegenerative Diseases
1661-3406Neuroembryology and Aging
0028-3835Neuroendocrinology : international journal for basic and clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationsgips
0172-780XNeuroendocrinology Letters
1350-1925Neurogastroenterology and motility
1052-5149Neuroimaging Clinics of North America
0213-4853Neurologia - Barcelona
2173-5808Neurología (English Edition)
0733-8619Neurologic Clinics
0161-6412Neurological Research
1590-1874Neurological sciences
1473-7086Neurology in Practice
0028-3886Neurology India
2035-8385Neurology International
1548-7822Neurology Today
1535-1084Neuromolecular medicine
0960-8966Neuromuscular disorders
1740-925XNeuron Glia Biology
0305-1846Neuropathology & applied neurobiology
0987-7053Neurophysiologie clinique
0090-2977Neurophysiology = Neĭrofiziologiya
1176-6328Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
0222-9617Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence
0960-2011Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
1040-7308Neuropsychology review
1380-3395Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section A, Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology
1545-9683Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
0149-7634Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews
0097-0549Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
1673-7067Neuroscience Bulletin
0167-6253Neuroscience Letters
0304-3940Neuroscience letters. Supplement
0168-0102Neuroscience research : the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society
0893-6609Neuroscience research communications
0148-396XNeurosurgery - Hagerstown
1042-3680Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
1050-6438Neurosurgery Quarterly
0344-5607Neurosurgical review
1029-8428Neurotoxicity research
0892-0362Neurotoxicology and teratology
0733-2467Neurourology and urodynamics
1044-8632Neutron news
0169-9431NEVACblad - Orgaan van de Nederlandse Vacuumvereniging
0142-9345New African
1384-1076New astronomy
1387-6473New astronomy reviews : an international review journal in astronomy and astrophysics
0028-4289New Blackfriars
0342-4006New Business - Hamburg
1532-687XNew Centennial Review
1474-2756New Cinemas - Journal of Contemporary Film
1469-7076New Civil Engineer International
1448-0336New Community Quarterly
1933-4192New criminal law review
1052-2891New directions for adult and continuing education
1520-3247New directions for child and adolescent development
0194-3081New directions for community colleges
1097-6736New Directions for Evaluation
0271-0560New directions for higher education
0271-0579New directions for institutional research
1072-172XNew Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising
0164-7970New directions for student services
0271-0633New directions for teaching and learning
1533-8916New directions for youth development
1547-688XNew Educator
0047-9624New electronics
0028-4793New England Journal of Medicine
0028-4793New England Journal of Medicine
0028-4823New England Law Review
0169-4286New forests
0950-2378New Formations
0288-3635New generation computing : an international journal on fifth generation computers
1463-6778New genetics and society
0094-033XNew German critique
1092-3977New Hibernia Review
0732-118XNew Ideas in Psychology
0168-8782New in Chess Magazine
0305-9529New internationalist
1144-0546New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie
1095-7960New Labor Forum
0306-6479New Law Journal
0028-6060New Left Review
0307-4803New Library World
0028-6087New literary history
1749-1126New Materials Asia
1364-7776New Media Age
1461-4448New Media and Society
0265-4717New Media Markets
1465-3737New Medieval Literatures
1464-3308New Nutrition Business
0893-7850New perspectives quarterly
0028-646XNew phytologist
1356-3467New Political Economy
0739-3148New political science
1361-4541New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship
1740-0309New Review of Film and Television Studies
1361-4568New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia - Applications and Research
1361-455XNew review of information and library research
1361-4576New review of information networking
0262-4079New Scientist
1048-2911New Solutions - a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy
1034-7674New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
1364-7431New statesman
0961-933XNew Studies in Athletics
0268-1072New technology, work and employment
0028-6885New Testament Studies
0266-464XNew Theatre Quarterly
0206-1473New Times - Moskva
1479-0726New Writing - Internat Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing
1533-7472New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy
0736-4075New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law
0145-448XNew York Law School Law Review
0028-7571New York State Dental Journal
0028-7806New York Times Book Review
0028-7873New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
0028-7881New York University Law Review
0077-9954New Zealand Economic Papers
0077-9962New Zealand Entomologist
0028-8144New Zealand geographer
0114-3727New Zealand Health and Hospital
0028-8233New Zealand journal of agricultural research
0028-825XNew Zealand journal of botany
0114-0671New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science
0114-0671New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science
0028-8306New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics
0028-8322New Zealand Journal of History
0028-8446New Zealand Medical Journal
0048-0169New Zealand Veterinary Journal
1527-3369Newborn and infant nursing reviews
0199-2422News Photographer
0308-809XNews Sheet - Art Libraries Society UK and Ireland
0078-0421Newsletters on Stratigraphy
0739-5329Newspaper Research Journal
0163-7053Newsweek - International Edition
1590-5896Nexus network journal
1054-8793NFPA Journal - National Fire Protection Association
1089-2583NHSA Dialog - Research to Practice Journal for Early Intervention Field
1568-3699NIBHV - Veiligheid
 Nicholas Halls Insight - Western Europe
 Nicholas Halls Insight - Western Europe
1462-2203Nicotine & tobacco research
0028-9817Nieman Reports
0342-1422Nietzsche Studien
0028-9825Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Ser. 3
0928-9496Nieuwsbrief Milieuzorg
1384-4202Nieuwsbrief ZorgVisie
1119-3077Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
0146-7891Nineteenth Century French Studies
1748-3727Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film
0890-5495Nineteenth-century contexts
0891-9356Nineteenth-century literature
1479-4098Nineteenth-Century Music Review
0960-3360NIR News
1089-8603Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry
1750-6891Nitrogen and Syngas
1573-5214NJAS Wageningen journal of life sciences
0167-8434NJCM Bulletin - Nederlands Juristen Comite voor de Mensenrechten
0179-4043NJW Rechtsprechungs Report Zivilrecht
0027-6782NLGI spokesman
0939-4753NMCD. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
0952-3480NMR in biomedicine
1021-9722NoDEA : nonlinear differential equations and applications
0957-4565Noise & vibration worldwide
1463-1741Noise and Health
0029-0947Noise and vibration bulletin
0736-2501Noise control engineering journal
1475-4738Noise notes
1578-6730Nomadas - Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas
1058-9759Nondestructive testing and evaluation
1751-570XNonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems
1468-1218Nonlinear analysis. Real world applications
0362-546XNonlinear analysis. Theory, methods and applications
 Nonlinear Biomedical Physics
0924-090XNonlinear dynamics
1090-0578Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences
1023-5809Nonlinear processes in geophysics
0899-7640Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly
1048-6682Nonprofit Management Leadership
1073-6700Nonproliferation Review
1567-7125Non-state actors and international law
0163-4429Nonwovens Industry
0953-1092Nonwovens Report International - Magazine and Yearbook
0029-1277Nordic hydrology : an international journal
0107-055XNordic Journal of Botany
0902-7351Nordic journal of international law
0332-5865Nordic Journal of Linguistics
0809-8131Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
0803-9488Nordic journal of psychiatry
1901-2276Nordic Psychology
0283-2631Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal
2156-857XNordic Social Work Research
0801-3500Normat - Nordisk Matematisk Tidsskrift
0029-1951Norsk geografisk tidsskrift
0029-196XNorsk geologisk tidsskrift
1092-0277North American Actuarial Journal
0197-6931North American Archaeologist
1539-2546North American dialogue
1522-2055North American Journal of Aquaculture
0275-5947North American Journal of Fisheries Management
0029-2397North American Review
0743-1759North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
0029-2524North Carolina Law Review
0029-2559North Carolina Medical Journal
0740-9133Northeast African Studies - New Series
0078-172XNorthern history
0029-3105Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
1601-829XNorthern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook
0029-344XNorthwest science
0196-3228Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
1584-9074North-Western Journal of Zoology
0029-3571Northwestern University Law Review
0029-3652Norwegian archaeological review
1385-1209Notarius International
0029-3970Notes and Queries
0035-9149Notes and Records of the Royal Society
1434-6222Notfall & Rettungsmedizin
1612-8583Notfall und Hausarztmedizin - Fokus auf Hausarztmedizin
1612-8591Notfall und Hausarztmedizin - Fokus auf Notfallmedezin
1611-6550Notfallmedizin Up2date
0002-9920Notices of the American Mathematical Society
0888-1626Noticias de Seguridad
0029-4527Notre Dame journal of formal logic
0745-3515Notre Dame Law Review
0078-2122Nottingham Medieval Studies
0255-965XNotulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
0395-6458Nouvel Economiste
0991-9708Nouvel Educateur
 Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie
0294-1414Nouvelle Revue du Seizieme Siecle - Societe Francaise de Seiziemistes
0029-4845Nouvelle Revue Theologique
0270-174XNouvelles - Journal of the Licensing Executives Society
0029-4888Nouvelles de l'Estampe
0103-6351Nova Economia
0029-5035Nova Hedwigia
1092-6690Nova Religio
1077-0321Novell AppNotes
0048-1009Novum Testamentum
0027-9978NPA Magazine
0149-5267NPN - National Petroleum News
1380-3638NPT Procestechnologie
1321-8476NTEU Advocate - Newsletter of the National Tertary Education Union
0923-4640NTOR - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht
1348-3447NTT technical review
0948-728XNTZ - Innovationen der Kommunikationstechnik
0923-2370NTZ - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan Verstandelijk Gehandicapten
0090-3752Nuclear data sheets
0262-5091Nuclear Engineer
0029-5493Nuclear engineering and design
0029-5507Nuclear Engineering International
1016-5975Nuclear Europe worldscan : journal of ENS
0149-3574Nuclear Fuel
0029-5515Nuclear fusion : journal of plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion
1745-2058Nuclear Future
0168-9002Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
0168-583XNuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms
0304-341XNuclear law bulletin
0969-8051Nuclear medicine and biology
1869-3474Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
0143-3636Nuclear Medicine Communications
0029-5574Nuclear news
0375-9474Nuclear physics. A
0550-3213Nuclear physics. B
0920-5632Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplements
0029-5639Nuclear science and engineering
0029-5450Nuclear technology
0305-1048Nucleic acids research
1525-7770Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids
0029-5795Nuestro Tiempo
0185-0121Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica
0251-3552Nueva Sociedad - Buenos Aires
0029-5566Nuklearmedizin - Nuclear Medicine
0723-7065Nuklearmediziner - Grafelfing
1017-1398Numerical algorithms
1995-4239Numerical analysis and applications
0163-0563Numerical functional analysis and optimization
1040-7782Numerical heat transfer. Part A. Applications
1040-7790Numerical heat transfer. Part B. Fundamentals
1070-5325Numerical linear algebra with applications
0749-159XNumerical methods for partial differential equations
0029-599XNumerische Mathematik
1593-7305Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata
1122-035XNuova Rivista di Neurologia
0029-6228Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana
0029-6236Nuova Rivista Storica
1124-1888Nuovo Cimento - B
1697-218XNURE Investigacion
1471-5953Nurse education in practice
0260-6917Nurse Education Today
0363-3624Nurse Educator
1541-4612Nurse leader
1479-9189Nurse Prescribing
1351-5578Nurse researcher
1381-5911Nursing - Doetinchem
0363-9568Nursing Administration Quarterly
1441-0745Nursing and health sciences
1465-9301Nursing and Residential Care
0029-6465Nursing Clinics of North America
0746-1739Nursing economic$
1536-5026Nursing education perspectives
0969-7330Nursing ethics
1751-4851Nursing for women's health
0029-6473Nursing forum
1362-1017Nursing in critical care
1320-7881Nursing inquiry
1544-5186Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
0744-6314Nursing Management
1354-5760Nursing management
1472-0795Nursing older people
0029-6554Nursing outlook
1466-7681Nursing philosophy
0029-6562Nursing Research - Hagerstown
0894-3184Nursing Science Quarterly
0029-6570Nursing standard
0954-7762Nursing Times
1362-5411Nutraceuticals International
0212-1611Nutricion Hospitalaria
1385-1314Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems
0034-6659Nutrition & food science
0163-5581Nutrition and cancer
1446-6368Nutrition and dietetics
0260-1060Nutrition and Health
 Nutrition and Metabolism
0732-0167Nutrition and the MD
1471-9827Nutrition bulletin
0985-0562Nutrition clinique et métabolisme
1096-6781Nutrition in clinical care
0884-5336Nutrition in Clinical Practice
 Nutrition Journal
0271-5317Nutrition research
0954-4224Nutrition Research Reviews
0029-6643Nutrition reviews
0029-666XNutrition Today
1028-415XNutritional neuroscience
0920-3699NVB Nieuwsbrief
0921-1713NVOX - Tijdschrift voor Natuurwetenschappen op School
1040-0656NWSA journal