The Library Catalog does not include information on the titles below.
Magazines at the Ookayama Library
[B2F : RefreshRoom]
Magazines are generally held for three months.
Subscribed magazines
- オレンジページ
- キネマ旬報
- 現代思想
- 散歩の達人
- 週刊東洋経済
- 新潮
- スタンフォード・ソーシャルイノベーション・レビュー(日本語版)
- 日経ビジネス
- 美術手帖
- 山と渓谷
- CDジャーナル
- Hiragana Times
- moe
- National Geographic
- Newsweek(日本版)
- non-no
- Number
- pen
- Time
Donated magazines
- 学鐙
- 季刊iichiko
- 月刊みんぱく
- 書斎の窓
- 東建月報
- 図書
- 日経研月報
- 毎日フォーラム
- GSJ地質ニュース
- UP
- Wedge
Please note that there may be missing issues.
Newspapers at the Ookayama Library
[B1F : Newspapers]
The newspapers of the day is available in the library. Only the latest 2 months are stored on the shelves near the entrance.
- The Japan times
- 朝日新聞
- 産経新聞
- 東京新聞
- 日刊工業新聞
- 日経産業新聞
- 日本経済新聞
- 毎日新聞
- 読売新聞
[B2F : Newspapers]
- 朝日新聞(1919 - 2023)
- 日本経済新聞(1970 - current)
You can also use the “Asahi Shimbun Cross-search”, which is an online database containing full-text articles from the Asahi Shimbun.
Magazines at the Suzukakedai Library
[1F : Communication Lounge]
Magazines are held for 6 months.
- エコノミスト
- サンデー毎日
- 週刊朝日(6月9日号にて休刊)
- 中央公論
- 日経ビジネス
- 日経woman
- 文藝春秋
- ユリイカ
- レコード芸術(7月号にて休刊)
- dancyu
- National Geographic (Japanese edition)
- Newsweek (Japanese edition)
- Number
- Tarzan
- Time
Newspapers at the Suzukakedai Library
[1F : Newspapers]
Only the latest 3 months are kept on the 1st floor.
- The Japan times
- 朝日新聞
- 神奈川新聞
- 日刊工業新聞
- 日経産業新聞
- 日本経済新聞
- 毎日新聞
- 読売新聞
You can also use the “Asahi Shimbun Cross-search”, which is an online database containing full-text articles from the Asahi Shimbun.