Kikuzo II Visual will be relaunched entirely on April 1, 2022. The new service name is "Asahi Shimbun Cross-search".
Prior to the renewal, Asahi Shimbun Cross-search has been available since March 1, 2022.
March 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022 : Both Kikuzo II Visual and Asahi Shimbun Cross-search are available
May 1, 2022 - : Only Asahi Shimbun Cross-search will be available
How to use
Please access the link below from a device connected to Tokyo Tech Network. Tokyo Tech students, full-time instructors, and part-time instructors can access the database from off campus using the SSL-VPN.
* March 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022 : Each services can be used for up to "2" simultaneous accesses. Please log off if you aren't actively searching.
Library Services Group
+81-3-5734-2097(Weekdays: 8:45-17:00)