Books by Tokyo Tech Professors, Books by Tokyo Tech Alumni

To further enrich the Science Tokyo community's publications and to contribute to the study of students, we offer special "Books by Professors" and "Book by Alumni" collections. We manage these collections based on the following ideas.

  1. For students, collect easy read books and make them accessible.
  2. Provide faculty's information such as specialty and contribution to culture, and increase desire to learn.
  3. Provide alumni's information such as contribution to society and culture, and serve for future life plan.

Map of  "Books by Professors", "Books by Alumni" at Ookayama Library
Map of  "Books by Professors", "Books by Alumni" at Suzukakedai Library

How to search

Search from location

Please specify "Location" at Library Catalog (Advanced search).
Books by Professors: "Ookayama Lib. B1F - Books by Professors" or "Suzukakedai Lib. 2nd Floor - Books by Professors"
Book by Alumni: "Ookayama Lib. B1F - Book by Alumni" or "Suzukakedai Lib. 2nd Floor - Book by Alumni"

Search from author

Due to space restrictions, not all publications will be displayed at each collection. Publications by emeritus professors will not be  displayed. Enter the faculty's or alumni's name in the "Author" at Library Catalog (Advanced search), please check the location.

Publications faculty partly wrote can also be searched

Enter the faculty's name in the "Author" at Library Catalog (Advanced search). Click the title from the results and check the details, there are books "Authors at Science Tokyo" is displayed.

For example
Title:「精密重合が拓く高分子合成 : 高度な制御と進む実用化
Authors at Science Tokyo:石曽根隆、後関頼太、平尾明、高田十志和、大倉一郎、岩澤伸治

The name of faculty who partly wrote the book is displayed at the "Authors at Science Tokyo".

We welcome the donations of faculty's and alumni's publications

  • Details on donation, please refer to "Notes" and "How to donate" at "Materials donation". The handling of donated materials will be entrusted to the library.
  • As for the location of books, you can select your preferred campus library (Ookayama or Suzukakedai). Please mark at "(大岡山・すずかけ台)" in the "Book Donation Form". If you donate 2 copies, they might be able to be placed in both libraries.
  • If donating is difficult, please inform us of its publication details.


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