
As of January 2023, Tokyo Institute of Technology has transformative agreements with eight publishers that cover e-journal subscription fees and open access publishing fees (Article Processing Charge, APC). This allows Tokyo Tech authors to receive a fee discount for open access publication of their articles in those publishers' journals.

New Agreements

We have signed new transformative agreements with three publishers beginning in January 2023.

  • American Chemical Society
  • Springer Nature
  • Taylor & Francis

Change in Continuing Agreement

Eligible journals for open access article publication under the transformative agreement with Wiley has been expanded from January 2023.

  • From January 2023: Hybrid journals and full OA journals
  • Until December 2022: Hybrid journals
*Hybrid journals: Subscription-based journals that offer authors the option to make their articles open access by paying a publication fee
*Full OA journals: Journals where every article is published open access

Detailed Information

For detailed information such as the conditions of APC discounts, please refer to the following page.
Open Access Publishing Discounts

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