You can search the materials of Tokyo Tech Library with our Library Catalog.

Check “Location” and “Status” shown on the result’s page

“Location” is the place of the material you are searching: Is it in Ookayama or Suzukakedai? Which floor and area?
“Status” means a present situation or type of book.
 Available: The book is in the library, you can borrow it.
 Checked out: Not available because someone has already borrowed.
 In library use only: It can be used in the library only.

Find the book

 “Call number” is printed on the spine of each book. Most of the books in the library are sorted and arranged by this number. To find a book smoothly, you should look at “Call number”, too. On both sides of most of the book shelves there are signs of “Call number” of the books which are shelved. That sign and floor map are helpful to find a book.

Find a scholarly journal in print

Try to search a journal in print as almost the same way as you find a book.     
Journals are not loanable and available only inside the library. When you search the journal, the information of the journal such as ” Years” or “Volumes” is important. The serials indicated with "in preparation" are in the process of binding and not available.

*Please also refer to "How to search books and periodicals held in the Ookayama and the Suzukakedai Libraries when the Library Catalog is out of service".