What are the Materials in the closed stack areas?

They are the materials of which [location] shown in the results of the Library Catalog are listed in the table below.
These materials need to be applied for use at the circulation counter/by email. 

  • It takes some time until the materials become available. Please see the table below.
  • The material is reserved at the circulation counter for one week from the requested date for use.
Location Format

When to become Available

Available Hours

①Application at the Circulation Counter ②Application by Email
Until 16:30 on Weekdays

After 16:30 on Weekdays/

Weekends and Public Holidays

Ookayama Lib.


Stack Room1


approx. 15 min *1

9:00 on a next business weekday

During the opening hours

Stack Room1
(Over-sized Books)

Books approx. 15 min *1 9:00 on a next business weekday During the opening hours

Stack Room2

(Collection) *2


We will contact you when the material becomes ready

(it may take days)

8:45~17:00 on Weekdays

Stack Room3


We will contact you when the material becomes ready

(it may take days)

8:45~17:00 on Weekdays

Ookayama Lib.


Stack Room

USB etc.

approx. 15 min *1 9:00 on a next business weekday

8:45~17:00 on Weekdays

CD-ROM(Aveilable for Checkout) approx. 15 min *1 9:00 on a next business weekday During the opening hours



immediately 9:00 on a next business weekday During the opening hours
Counter(PC) Dissertation immediately 9:00 on a next business weekday

8:45~17:00 on Weekdays

*1 Materials applied for between 12:15 p.m. and 13:15 will become available around 13:30.

*2 Regarding the Collection , see コレクションの利用について (in Japanese page only)

How to apply

At the circulation counter

Please print out and submit the "請求票 (Request Form)" for the material you need from the Library Catalog, or present it on a tablet/PC screeen.

If you need the material on the day, please apply at the circulation counter by 16:30 on a weekday. Application by email is not accepted.

Library staff take requested materials from the closed stack areas on weekdays from 8:45~16:40(except 12:15~13:15).

By email

Please send an email with the following. We will send you an email back when the requested material becomes ready.

◆To:"service◎libra.titech.ac.jp" (Replace "◎"with "@")
◆ subject : Application for Closed Shelf Materials
◆ Text:

  1.  Name
  2.  student/staff ID number *Only for Tokyo Tech Members
  3.  Book title
  4.  Volume *Only when exists
  5.  Location
  6.  Call Number
  7.  Book ID
  8.  Date of Visit
  • Regarding 3-7, please check the search results of the Library Catalog.
  • Please note that the requested material may be available on the next business weekday. If you need the material on the day, please apply at the circulation counter by 16:30 on a weekday. Application by email is not accepted.


For Non-campus members

When you need materials in the closed stack areas, please write all the closed stack items you need in the Prior Application Form for Visit to the Ookayama Library.

(Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) Members and alumni who have a “Kuramae Card "are also requested to apply when you need materials in the closed stack areas.)